One way of learning something is to write an essay about it.

Here are a collection of my most recent essays focussed on LLMs and the philosophy of AI

The Semantic Song 2023 Demystifying the inner workings of LLMs through the "semantic song" metaphor
Investigations into Complexity 2006 Representing a formal methodology for CA analysis based on population dynamics...
Looking for Life 2005 Complex emergent behaviour is seen throughout nature, and in many different guises...
Emergence of Consciousness 2005 Consider whether we are yet on the road to an emergentist science of consciousness...
Complexity of cognition 2005 A background to the three main approaches to understanding cognition of the past century...
Unpredictable Predictability 2004 Emergence versus reduction is one of the oldest debates in philosophical history...
Concepts of Intelligence 2004 An examination of Knowledge-based and Behaviour-based systems as a models of intelligence...
What is emergence? 2004 The aim of this paper is to examine the multifarious uses of the word “emergence”...